Kyla Dippold, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM
Program Chair, Medical Laboratory Science
Assistant Professor

(515) 643-6772

Office Location
ACE - 206

Office Hours

Varies – See posting on office door

Mailing Address

Mercy College of Health Sciences
Medical Laboratory Science Program
928 6th Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50309-1239

Year Started at Mercy College: 2008

  • Department: Medical Laboratory Sciences


  • Master of Science in Adult Learning, Performance and Development, Drake University (2005)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Biology, Drake University (1986)
  • Medical Technology Certificate, Mercy School of Medical Technology (1986)

Courses Regularly Taught

  • MLS 418 Clinical Laboratory Management Didactic I
  • MLS 422 Clinical Microbiology Didactic I
  • MLS 435 Clinical Microbiology Rotation I
  • MLS 452 Clinical Microbiology Didactic II
  • MLS 465 Clinical Microbiology Rotation II
  • MLS 472 Clinical Microbiology Didactic III
  • MLS 478 Clinical Laboratory Management and Education Methods Didactic III


  • MLS(ASCP)CM – Medical Laboratory Scientist

Clinical History

  • Clinical Laboratory Scientist in a large Microbiology laboratory
  • Clinical and didactic Instructor in Microbiology
  • Didactic Instructor in Management and Education
  • CLS Program Microbiology Education Coordinator
  • CLS Program On-Site Coordinator
  • MLS Program Director/Chair

Professional Memberships

  • ASCLS – American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science
  • ASCLS-IA – American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Iowa Branch

Advice to Students

What is the recipe for successful achievement? To my mind there are just four essential ingredients: Choose a career you love…Give it the best there is in you…Seize your opportunities…And be a member of the team. – Benjamin F. Fairless