ranked Mercy College of Health Sciences #1 for best Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) degree program in Iowa for 2021. is a free resource for students seeking nursing schools and programs. The company researches and compiles nursing study area information, career overviews, and more to help compile ranking lists for nursing institutions across the US to help students make a smart decision when considering their education.

The company's analysis looked at 17 schools in Iowa to see which associate degree programs offered the best educational experiences for nursing students. To come up with a school's ranking, analyzed numerous factors related to post-graduation wages, the quality of education offered by the school, average accumulated student debt, and more.

In the 2018-2019 school year, Mercy College awarded 62 associate degrees and had 100% job placement rate within one year of graduation based on 2018 graduates.

Mercy College’s ASN major is offered in a part-time, evening and weekend format that can be completed in as few as six semesters and offers two start dates per year in the spring and fall.

To learn more about Mercy College’s Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) program, view their ASN program page. Mercy College is enrolling now for spring.

About Mercy College of Health Sciences
Mercy College of Health Sciences is the only private Catholic college in central Iowa and is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). Located in downtown Des Moines, Mercy College prepares graduates for service and leadership in the healthcare community with a wide range of bachelor, associate, and certificate programs. Mercy College’s liberal arts and sciences education develops compassionate caregivers and leaders. Visit or call (515) 643-3180 to learn more.

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